Destiny: The First Ten Years

September 9, 2014. Destiny was unleashed onto the world, and it’s safe to say that the world of video games has never been the same. To be brutally honest, the world of video games changes so rapidly that every few years, we get one or two games which change the market forever. What makes Destiny a bit unique is that it continues to remain at the top of its subgenre, which can probably defined as a shared world first person looter shooter.

Quite a few games tried to replicate Destiny’s success, but none of them succeeded at the same scale as Destiny. Probably the only other game that comes close is Warframe, which actually came out before Destiny, and has successfully survived for 11 years, but as a third-person, character based game, Warframe is in a league of its own.

This video is my tribute to the Destiny franchise, which has played an important role in shaping my video game hobby. This is not a summary of Destiny’s in-game story, so if you are looking for something like that, please consider visiting other channels like MyNameisByf or Myelin Games for a dedicated analysis of Destiny’s 10-year story. This video is more of a highlight reel of playing a live-service game over several years, dealing with the highs and lows that come with such a habit, and also talks about why I feel one needs to plan an exit point from such long-running games.


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