Quidditch is a tough sport to convert into a video game. That’s partially because it isn’t a real sport and is impossible to recreate accurately in real life, unless someone invents flying broomsticks, but also because if some of its rules are implemented, the game could become very boring to play. For instance, if catching the snitch really ends the match at any point, then a seeker could be lucky and skilled enough to end a match within seconds, which isn’t exactly fun. Also, 150 points being awarded for the snitch capture sounds interesting, because you have to constantly be aware of maintaining a good lead over your opposition, but in a video game, scoring 15 goals before capturing a snitch sounds like a chore, again leading to boring matches.
So I wasn’t surprised to see developer Unbroken Studios get a bit creative with the rules in order to make Harry Potter Quidditch Champions a fun game to play. And I would say they’ve succeeded – in the short time I spent playing the game, I did find it fun, and I wouldn’t mind going back to play a few matches every now and then. However, I did play only for around 3 hours, so I don’t know how soon I’ll get bored of the concept. More details in the video.
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