Frostpunk 2 Impressions

This is not a full review of Frostpunk 2. Even though I have finished one playthrough of the game, I am not comfortable with calling it a full review, because I don’t think I have played this game the way it was meant to be played and experienced. I was just curious about the game based on the success of the first game, and seeing that it was a day one release on game pass, I gave it a try and ended up completing one full playthrough.

Long story short, I liked it quite a lot. It is a blend of a city builder and a survival game, and even on the easiest difficulty, you can never really relax, because things can fall apart within minutes and your run may end abruptly. In fact, on my very first attempt, I got a game over in the prologue, because I was still learning the basics and made a few bad decisions. Then I actually paid attention, and was rewarded with a really good gaming experience. Watch the video for more details!


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