Play Nice: Book Review

Play Nice: The Rise, Fall, and Future Of Blizzard Entertainment is the latest book from noted video game journalist, Jason Schreier, and over the course of thirty-one chapters, it walks us through the story of one of the most prominent video game developers of all time, Blizzard Entertainment. The history of Blizzard is available on the internet for free, so why should you spend your hard earned money to buy a book that narrates the same story? That’s where Jason’s experience in being a video game journalist comes in handy. He tells us the story that we have known for years, but adds in some interesting tidbits that give a bit more context to some important events.

I have not made a video review of a book before, so I don’t know what exactly you, as a viewer, would be interested to learn. With nothing more than a guess, I have split the video into different sections. To learn more, watch the video!


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