Before we proceed, please note that this video is a preview based on the current demo build available for the game. The developers have mentioned that a few gameplay and design changes are expected for the full game, so whatever gameplay you see in this video might not represent the final game accurately.
However, that shouldn’t stop you from playing the demo right now, because Sojourn Past is a very solid, challenging action-adventure game with beautiful art and music, and it is definitely worth a try. And if you like what you see, please do consider wishlisting the game, as it helps the game gain more visibility on the Steam store.
Okay, so let’s get on with the preview.
I first encountered Sojourn Past at IGDC 2023, where it won the best upcoming game award. Then at IGDC 2024, the developers came back with a demo showcase, after having secured funding from Krafton India, which is further proof of the game’s potential. At the event, I was told that the game is expected to be difficult, and I promptly ran away.
It’s now been a few months, and the public demo is now available for everyone to play from the safety of their homes. And I can safely edit out the parts where I died and pretend that I’m a good player. Or at least, that’s what I thought, but it turned out that I couldn’t finish the demo not because I died a lot, but because I simply didn’t know where to go next.
Sojourn Past is designed similar to the classic game Journey, where you are thrown into the game without much context about who you are or what your objective is, and you are just expected to keep moving forward. There are a few cutscenes that give you a hint of the story, which appears to be some sort of a rescue mission, but for the most part, the story is left intentionally vague. Even the steam store page doesn’t directly tell you what’s going on, apart from promising a heartfelt story.
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