Hades II: The Olympic Update is Awesome!

The video in this post features heavy spoilers for Hades 2, and is targeted at people who have already played the game as it exists in late October 2024. So if you haven’t yet played Hades 2, watch at your own risk.

The Olympic Update is the first major patch for Hades 2, and it was released a few days ago, on October 16, 2024. It introduces the new Olympus region to the surface path of the game, a new main boss, Prometheus, and a new weapon, the black coat, which is said to be the final weapon to be added to the game. Oh, and for those playing on the Mac, this update adds native Mac support.

With these new updates, let’s look at what the game contains now: six weapons, four bosses in the underworld region, three bosses in the surface region, two different game modes that add various modifiers and conditions to keep your runs interesting, and a whole lot of collectables, decorations, and characters with whom you can build relationships. What’s more, there’s more to come, with at least one more boss for the surface region, and maybe some more story surprises before the launch of the final game.

This is exactly the kind of experience I was hoping for with the early access version of the game, and so far, Supergiant games hasn’t disappointed me. There are a group of fans who are intentionally delaying their purchase of the game till the full version is out, because they do not want to experience the game with so many delays. The next major update is not expected until early 2025, and there is no word about the final release of the game. This means you will have to constantly remind yourself about what happened with the story, or how each of the six weapons work, and so on.

I don’t mind consuming the content in small chunks, because so far, it is very much in line with the experience offered by the first Hades game. We know what to expect from the game, and even though there may be a few surprises, the basic structure of the game is expected to remain largely the same.


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