Hades II: The Warsong Update – Gameplay Impressions (Spoilers!)

After the Olympic Update came out in October 2024, Supergiant Games has delivered another incredible update to an already incredible game. And yet, I will say this once again: I do feel bad that we are getting a sequel instead of an original IP from this talented team. But…I have complained about that enough times now, so let me move on to the update.

The Warsong Update is all about boss fights. Unlike the previous update, there’s no new weapon to play with this time, but there are a few interesting boss fights, and it’s a fresh challenge to use all six weapons against them. I stuck to the newest weapon – the Black Coat – as it offers the best of both worlds – it has melee and ranged attack options, and that’s one of the two reasons I was able to beat the final boss – Typhon – in two attempts. The second reason of course, is that I’m using God mode and get 80% damage resistance, but let’s not dwell on that.

After beating Prometheus, we move on and continue our journey to the top of Mount Olympus. There aren’t too many rooms to clear here, but there’s a couple of boss fights before reaching the final encounter. The first one seems to be a random one, because I got two different bosses during my two runs. The first one was a minotaur kind of beast who kept charging around the room, destroying the walls. The other time I got a pair of smaller enemies called the Twins of Typhon, who honestly didn’t feel that bad. 

After this came a surprising boss fight that turned out to be really fun. We fight the tail of Typhon, and it is no joke. Without the damage resistance, I would have no doubt failed this fight multiple times. Thankfully, the patterns aren’t too hard to learn and I was able to clear this on my first try.

Then came the final boss – Typhon, the Father of monsters. He is so huge that he can’t really move around and just hovers on the top of the screen. This kind of reminded me of the second main boss fight in the first game – the bone hydra – who is much smaller than Typhon, but also uses a similar, hovering on the top of the screen approach. 

Typhon’s attack patterns are a bit more difficult to counter, which is why I failed my first attempt, but I soon figured out that my best chance was to use my damage resistance to my advantage, and just go up close to him and spam my attacks. In my second run I got a decent attack build, which gave me 60% extra damage and freeze for my primary attack, as well as a nice spike attack for my dash ability. This, along with other attack bonuses helped me beat the boss on my second run, and it was quite fun.


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