Palm Sugar: A Village Story, also known by its alternate title Palletooru, is the upcoming debut game from Mono Tusk Studios. The demo for this game actually came out a few months back, but I was caught up with covering other games for the channel, and I wasn’t able to play it for a while.
Better late than never, so here’s a brief look at Palm Sugar: A Village Story. The title is pretty descriptive of what you can expect from this game, it is a story set in a village. That village is called Bellampakam, and it is located in South India, more particularly in one of the Telugu states. This is necessary to mention, because the game’s USP is that it offers a glimpse at life in a Telugu village, which I believe hasn’t been explored in a video game till now.
The village certainly takes centerstage throughout the demo. The moment you step out of your house, you are greeted with this colourful and vibrant image of Bellampakam that immediately makes you want to forget the story for a bit and just walk around, see what this place has to offer.
Since this is a demo, we are of course limited as to where we can go and what we can do, but it still felt like we got a pretty decent look at the village, and what to expect from the art style and ambience of the game.
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