State of Play May 2024 Highlights

At the very last moment, Sony announced a State of Play, and we finally got to watch it a few hours ago at the time of recording. If you’re not familiar with these shows, State of Play is usually more of a smaller show focusing either on a mixture of games or on one single game. But it is different from a showcase, where Sony usually announces big games, and which runs for more than an hour.

So expectations were low from this State of Play, which ran for a little over 30 minutes. And it kind of met those expectations. It featured 14 titles, and while I think there was something for everyone, there didn’t seem to be anything that got a large portion of the player base excited. In fact, people were still confused and disappointed because they were expecting some big announcements that usually happen in a full showcase. They’re not wrong to be disappointed, because last year, Sony held a full showcase that featured thirty games, including a lot of AAA titles. But this year is different, because Sony has already announced that we can’t expect any blockbuster titles from their first-party studios until at least 2025.


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