The best thing about free to play games is that you don’t really need to watch or read a review. You can go try it out yourself, because they are free. But even free to play games ask you to invest something far more valuable than money to play them, and that is your time. So it might still be worth it to look at the reception to a game before you decide to invest time in it, especially in a long-term title like the first descendant.
Initially, I was going to play this for a good 3-4 hours and then put up an early impressions video, but I barely made it past one hour before realising that this game isn’t really for me. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game of course, it just means I’m not part of the game’s target audience.
If you’re not going to watch the video, here’s a summary: the game is technically a really good product, it looks great, all the systems work well with each other, and there is enough depth to keep you playing for a long time. But what may turn you off, like it did in my case, is the mediocre gameplay, heavy focus on monetisation, and most important of all, the mere thought of investing multiple years in a new live service title seems exhausting. If you’re someone who is eager to find a game to adopt as your main game for several years, then sure, this title may be worth a look. Even then, I would suggest to be a bit cautious, because free to play projects are more likely to be shut down if they don’t get a good reception in their first few months on the market.
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