Welcome to the fourth season of QC Done. At the beginning of the previous season, I said I wanted to answer the question, what can I do to make the videos useful to a broader audience? The generic answer to this is simple: make videos that people want to watch, and your channel will get lots of views. This is an open secret. But…I chose the harder way of first making videos that I like, and then try to match them with people who would also like to watch those kinds of videos. Most of the time, such an approach will be very slow to show results. But eventually, it does show results.
I’m happy to report that in the previous season, this channel got its first batch of small scale hits. Four videos got more than a hundred views, with two of them crossing five hundred views. That’s huge for this channel, because as you can see, the rest of the top ten videos in the same time period got less than 20 views. The four hits gave me enough data to answer the question, what can I do to make the videos useful to a broader audience, while continuing to make videos that I like?
And the answer is that I can continue making videos about games or topics that I like, and some of them will definitely match up with games or topics that people are searching for on YouTube. But there are also clearly a lot of other games or topics that I make videos on, which no one really cares about; so the best thing I can do is to only publish videos when I’m confident that the video’s subject has some public appeal. More details in the video.
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